Ordering a taxi in advance

Need a taxi very early in the morning or late at night and don’t want to try your luck just hailing?
Order a taxi in advance!
When is ordering in advance a good solution?
- You are going on a trip and your flight is very early in the morning or late at night and you want to be sure that you can get a taxi on time
- You know you would have to wait outside for a taxi in cold weather and you don’t want to wait long
- You are going to an event and you want to arrive and leave comfortably at a certain time.
- You are going to see a doctor during the virus season and don’t want to arrive too early and have to wait a long time in the waiting room
Order a taxi in advance and you can be sure that the car will be there exactly at the right time.
How to order?
To schedule a taxi call +372 612 0000
Tell the dispatcher the address you want the taxi and the time
The taxi will be there on time, and you can conveniently pay by card or cash at the end of the ride