
Contact us

Order a taxi by phone

Mon–Sun 24/7

* Calls to the short code 1200 are subject to a standard charge. Additional charges from your operator may apply. For more information on pricing, contact your mobile operator – Telia, Elisa or Tele2.

Ordering a taxi via mobile app

To order a Forus Takso, choose the Forus Takso category in the app

Order a wheelchair-accessible taxi or social transport

Ordering a car with SMS

Mon–Fri 8–19

SMS 5300 2728

Ratastoolisõbralik takso
Erineva suurusega autod transfeeriks.

Order a business class car or transfer

General contact

Mon–Fri 9–17

612 0001

Kadaka tee 63, 12915 Tallinn

Registration number: 10539390
VAT number: EE100529643